January 30, 2025

 If you have a computer, a tablet or a smartphone, you can pretty much order up whatever you need with the touch of a button.

Funny thing about food, is that we need it daily.  So when my family , and all the big and little mouths in it, are hungry,  we have a plethora of resources at our fingertips.

Even Whiskers is completely covered.

This brings me way back to my absolute favorite cartoon of childhood, The Jetsons.  The cartoon had the right concept, and although we do not have a fridge that restocks itself,  or a table that opens up and out comes an entire meal that you’ve ordered out of it’s center, we do have the ability to order anything we like, with the simple tap of a few buttons.  

There’s absolutely nothing like instant gratification, in this day and age, and our lives are getting a whole lot more convenient in San Francisco.

Let me just say that my absolute favorite grocery store delivery service is: InstaCart.

Yes, you guessed it , this amazing food delivery service comes to you. What can be better than same-day delivery, from local stores, to your door, in as little as one hour? Nothing, I tell you that.

First off — let me preface this post, with the notion that I truly believe that grocery shopping when done in-store may be a great big waste of your time.  Especially if you live in San Francisco, like I do and don’t mind paying a tiny annual fee for the daily convenience of having complete strangers deliver your food.

Sure, I still pop into our local Trader Joe’s for a few healthy organic fresh items here and there, or a frozen pie for a holiday party, for goodness sake, I pass it everyday in my car, so it’s not like I am shlepping all the way clear across town.

So, Trader Joe does not subscribe to the service, and sometimes I need to pass some time before picking my kids up from wherever they are at the moment, and it is not really enough time to do a workout or lift heavy at my gym, so I’ll pop into Trader Joes, on that rare occasion.  

On one especially rare occasion — I had 30 minutes to pass before chauffeuring my littles to their next activity and thought popping into the Trader Joes would be a good idea,( just to pick up a few items that they had organic too), but alas, my kiddos tried to put every processed thing imaginable into the cart, so I quickly scurried out of there, vowing to never set foot with them in tow in a grocery store unless it was absolutely necessary!

I mean what Mum wants to go into a “healthy real food” lecture every single time her kiddo asks for that highly hydrogenated over sweetened processed crap food, as I like to call it.  Not I said, any Mum, not I, and that is certain. I really don’t need to repeat that lesson too frequently.

I first discovered InstaCart in early 2014.  As I sit here writing this post, I realize that is nearly three entire years ago.  I received a flyer in the mail stating that I would get my first 14 days of free deliveries with only (get this) a minimum of $35 order.  

Well, that certainly wasn’t difficult to do.  

In fact, I was managing to place multiple orders, from multiple stores available on InstaCart at that time, pretty much on a regular basis. Within just a few days, I was hooked and couldn’t imagine EVER going back to the grocery store to do my own shopping.  

Now I can exercise, take a walk, run an errand, not even be home, do yoga, do pretty much anything but grocery shop.  I have a shopper and delivery person shop for me, and then drive my groceries straight to my dfront door. Who wouldn’t love this set-up? It’s flawless right?   

Well, yes and no.  It took some time to iron out the kinks, (only because I am so picky when it comes to my food), but when a mistake is made, let me tell you the fine folks of the instcart customer service team, ALWAYS make things right.  Sure, there may have been a few disappointments here and there, when we didn’t receive the exact item we wanted because it was “out of stock”, and the replacement I chose was also “out of stock”, but let me tell you — it is all worth it.

If you have a spot out front, out of site of the street level, you don’t even need to be home to receive your groceries!

 InstaCart always credited my account and did everything they could to satisfy me.  

And I am harsher than a cold Montana winter, so that means a whole lot, if you catch my drift … 

If you are like me,  dedicated and border-lining on the edge of an obsessive Type A personality, and a person who needs to get a whole lot accomplished in a day, AND shopping doesn’t fit comfortably into your schedule, then try it and you can use my code:


to get you started, or simply click on this link and you will be on your merry way, gaining a lot of free time to fulfill all those great ambitions and goals  you’ve been wishing you had time for. 


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