January 29, 2025


Nutritionists: give you a list of foods to eat and a list of foods to avoid. Most people already know this, but they haven’t been able to actually do it.
Therapists: dont typically provide clear action steps or address food in relation to mood.
Doctors: dont generally address the root cause of the symptoms but instead prescribe a pill or other quick fix.
Health Coaches: address the root cause and guide clients in holistic healing, addressing all areas of life.


I am So excited to announce something HUGE today!!

Are you ready for it?

Here it is!!

I am allowed to accept health coaching clients as of right now, at half the cost until September 2022! Once I receive my certificate and health coaching credentials, I will be raising prices to reflect the beginner health coach going rate. Yay! My dream of a career in helping people has finally arrived. It is literally here, and I am so sparked up.

If I can do it, so can you! It took me years to perfect a process, that would have been much faster, and easier if I had known to have a health coach at the time. But I didn’t know that I needed one. There are so many of us health coaches out there, with so many different specialities, why don’t you choose the one that you feel is right for you?

Which direction do you want to go in? What are you saying yes to in 2022?

Health? Happiness? Weight Refinement? Self Care? Family? Healing Auto-Immune Disease? More Movement? Going plant-based? Mindset? Good relationships? More Spirituality? Healthy Finances? A New Career? Home Cooking? Balanced Environment? New Friends? More Joy? Tell me.

Maybe I can help you . . .

I am passionate about what I do. I love helping others make healthier decisions and wise choices. I am so proud of myself for being committed to investing in my Self, and embarking upon a new odyssey into wellness. I have been an avid self-help lover since the age of nine, when I secretly sent money away to an AD in a teen magazine for a book titled, “How to Talk to Boys”. 🤣 My best friend at 17 years old told me I should read the magazine called “SELF”. Isn’t it great to have friends that know you so well?

I got much more into it as I grew older. Books upon books on faith, learning new things, reading perspectives from many of the greats on psychology, philosophy, medicine, health, beauty, understanding one self, being my best self, and on and on. Then came the internet research and more self-help and growth. I began dabbling into nutrition. I tested out a myriad of nutritional theories until I finally landed in the autoimmune zone. My body was sending me a signal, loud and clear. I wish I would have documented my crazy flare, because so far I have only had one. After the one, I felt it was enough of a health scare to do a whole 360 degree pivot into everything I eat and drink everyday. Specifically the information from Spirit of the Most High, as translated by Anthony William, the Medical Medium. I began to follow many cleanses from Anthony’s books, many protocols. I diligently read many of his books cover to cover, and am currently reading them again and highlighting them this time. I am healing my enlarged hypothyroid nodule, and a huge list of other symptoms, and I am so happy it’s working.

Health coaching sessions are conducted virtually, telephonically, and in-person.

It wasn’t until I started seeing significant changes in my own health that I understood how much the rest of the world needs this information too. With the way our current medical system is polluted by biases, and investors that need people to need their investments (funny how that works), and the lack of education around very detailed fine point healing information, I quickly came to realize that I need to fill in this void in our sick-care system, for the sake of truth in health reporting. There is a demand for health, and it’s no surprise where we are at this point in time. I understand so well that this knowledge is lacking and so needed, not only for me and my children, but as an essential complement, a necessary extension, to the current medical system. Even my health insurance provider is offering virtual health coaching these days.

Now more than ever before in history is the time when you will see a plethora of health coaches popping up all over the place. I suggest you choose wisely. The light is upon us, while the darkness seeks to envelop and confuse. I am so excited to expand upon bringing more of this light. The light of thriving health and wisdom. Shall we see how it can shine bright and bring more clarity to your life?

As I visualize, work hard at, and manifest what will come next for me in my holistic health coaching practice, I want to reflect on my biggest takeaways, successes, and the changes I have experienced in my mind, body, and spirit since beginning the Integrative Institute of Nutrition, Holistic Health coaching program in 2021.

I understand that although, the golden path looks different for everyone; we as Humans are bio-individual. This means that, every body is different, and it is important to go with what you are comfortable with. We can do this together, while at the same time working on improving your best possible health outcomes. There are many ways to crowd out health-stealing habits. It’s absolutely critical to have compassion for yourself when things don’t always go as planned. Nobody is perfect, although having a health coach by your side, one that keeps you accountable to yourself is a complete game-changer. You may be surprised to learn that many health coaches have health coaches too! All successful people have coaches for different areas of their lives. Perhaps a trainer for physical fitness and strength. A therapist, as someone they can talk to and have an unbiased sounding board, a manners instructor, an art coach, even a fashion consultant to help dress to impress! So you see my beautiful darlings, most successful people have a support system around them, helping mold them into the best possible version of themselves.

You can either change it, or you can chance it, but you cannot do both.

Many people don’t take the leap of faith and invest in themselves as much as they know they should. My approach is to go slow but steady, this helps to prevent overwhelm. I will break it down for you into easy manageable baby steps, that over time create this big picture of a health promoting (not depleting) lifestyle. You can always speed up or slow down your own transformative process. The most important thing is to keep going. I believe it’s important to never give up on yourself. Never give up on your own aspirations of health and happiness.

Personally, I’d like to share that I have had great success with rituals. I have been working on rituals/healthy habits for many years. I tried a lot of things that worked and stuck, and a lot of things that just didn’t. I mentioned that I have been in the self-development realm since the age of 9, when I first began reading self-help books. My obsession with this subject has always been a big part of my life. This has proven to be valuable work for my own struggles with my own health concerns, and psychological processes.

Have you ever heard of the Circle of Life? This is an IIN term. Since health is generally directly connected to the information your cells are getting, it is not surprising that food is that information for your cells. Hence the idea that food is information to your cells. What is your food telling you? The Circle of Life has other categories that define the thriving good health (or not) of an individual. But food is the quality fuel you give to the machine, it truly does determine how the machine runs, for how long, and in what condition. Like does that machine break down often? And how long will this machine last?

Several things I have implemented, such as clean quality nutraceuticals, meditation zen mode parasympathetic system activation, and breathe work to calm my nervous system. These have become non-negotiable for me. The morning cleanse I do daily, the meditation, the movement, my meals, all these things help me to balance myself and bring my best self forward. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can teach you how. You don’t have to do everything all at once. I am here to help you achieve your success every step of the way.

The Wheel of Life is a great exercise and tool for helping you create more balance and success in your life. Setting goals based on the wheel of life of a successful person. Planning, prioritization.

Life is meant to have it’s challenges, struggles, disappointments and triumphs. These experiences shape us into who we are. I found out it’s important to equip ourselves with methods that help to stabilize and lift us up physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, especially when dealing with any kind of hardship.
Physical movement and flushing a sweat has a myriad of health benefits, including boosting immunity. Movement is graceful outlet for pent up stagnant energies that need to be released. Nutrition has been remarkable in making or breaking me, so I have been focusing on that tremendously.

Sleep hygiene and quality is another area that has been a welcome repose. I used to think I wasn’t a morning person, but after months of mindfully setting the stage, and getting into bed before 22:00, I wake before the sunrise without an alarm and greet my day, excited for what’s next.

My own transformative experience helps me to be a better health coach. As many of you know I am working everyday to heal my autoimmune condition Hashimotos Thyroiditis. To briefly summarize, I do this by cutting off food supply to the pathogens that cause these (and many other) dis-eases. Good bye troublemaker foods. When you know WHY you are sick, it is much easier to eliminate the root causes. Some people go their whole lives putting a bandaid over symptoms that can be eliminated by fine-tuning their nutrition. It doesn’t happen overnight. You need to trust the process. Transformation looks different for everyone. And it’s never just one thing. I take a wholistic approach when supporting my clients. Healing happens when we focus in on details and work together to eliminate the root cause.

I can see myself helping a lot of people get off mattress island and rise out of the ashes. I know I can help you. I’m well-versed with my own experience in healing. I personally have come a long way from where I was November 2019 when I received a diagnosis of autoimmune. I am learning how to have grace and compassion for my Self. As I continue to work on me, I have confidence in my ability to help you. I know I can help you, if you are ready for this massive shift and upgrade your life needs. Don’t be shy dear heart. We all need help every now and then. Often its the best kind of support from another person that ignites a flame to get us started on our way.

I am accepting new clients seeking out health coaching immediately. If absolute transformation, vibrant health and joy is something you are ready for, please connect with me. I will hold you accountable and guide you gently to embark upon your own healing journey of transformation. My ultimate goal is to create a ripple effect of aligned health and happiness for anyone needing support in this very important area of life.

If you are drowning and need a helping hand. I am here to help.

Without our good health, anything else we strive to achieve becomes that much harder. It’s no longer necessary to struggle through life alone. Physical health and mindset areas are undervalued in our high paced quickening society, all the while the root cause goes undiagnosed, as symptoms and common ailments short-circuit our success. Just because it’s common, doesn’t mean it’s normal.

Health coaching is an emerging career that is needed more than ever in this day and age, and it’s here to stay. Even health coaches have health coaches. I have a health coach too:))

If you (or someone you know) are in need of a health coach, you can reach me by text/or call this number: (USA) 415.994.8034. This number goes directly to voice mail. You will need to leave a message. With my social media channels filled to the rim with DM’s that need responding, truly this method is the fastest way to reach me, so that I may help you, support you, and hold you accountable to yourself, in order to fulfill your best life.

Once I get your voicemail message/text, I will get back to you and we can schedule your free 20 minute intro. session. You will fill out a health history form and submit it to me. Then we chat all about you. I tell you more about my 6 month program. After speaking with me, you may decide whether or not you would like to work with me!

Connect with me whenever you are ready to begin your metamorphosis, and I will help you to rise out of the ashes and tap into your own personal best Self. Don’t wait too long for healing to happen, we all have a limited time here on this planet. I know you can heal.❤️

If you don’t know how to say no, your body will say it for you through physical illness

Gabor Maté

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