January 18, 2025

Deep Blue

This blend contains oils that are well-known and are frequently suited for their abilities to soothe inflammation, alleviate pain, and reduce soreness💦


the Soothing Blend

I’m super obsessed with dōTERRA’s Deep Blue Rub.

Now, I am the proud owner of a 32 oz size, in a pump. I keep it in my meditation room. I use it daily on my neck and shoulders for tension and discomfort.

 It took me several months into using oils, to finally discover this amazing rub.

Like lipstick, I never leave home without it.  And I apply it everyday, it works wonders for my sore muscles, and joints!

Do you workout? I workout.  I do a lot of house chores, I fold a lot of laundry. I lift heavy. I am an active person and my body works hard.  I am the type of person who loves squats.  I just love feeling strong and healthy in my body. I love to sweat.  I see an a “Netflix and Elliptical”  in my near future.

That is exactly why I make sure to always have dōTERRA’s DB rub on hand. And yes!  I have a a tube in my elliptical console.

I bring the concentrated oil to my massage therapist. where she dilutes it, with her oil. Pure bliss!

Did you know there is  a dōTERRA Spa?  Can’t wait to go! For now, periodic massages are one of the tools I use, to creating a life of wellness and abundance. To stay aligned with my body’s wisdom.

I love applying Deep Blue Touch in the mornings before I get dressed. When I first started using dōTERRA, I used just the oils.  Now I know that there are SO MANY other amazing products,  that I use to keep my family healthy.

I will without a doubt, always, pack my Deep Blue rub in my travel bag.  I also carry the Deep Blue with me for those quick “undercover” applications when out and about in the City.

This stuff is magic,  it is non-toxic, and an excellent natural option for those tired sore muscles, knees, ankles and back.    For the athletic children in my home, I created

Split 1 Deep Blue in half (make sure you have an empty roller bottle on hand.

Add  20 drops Frankincense

Top that off with FCO

My daughter loves to use, and experience the therapeutic benefits of Deep Blue!! And it’s emotionally stabilizing elements are just incredible for my family.

Watch videos and learn more about this magical blend of oils, providing targeted support for your healthy recovery and energy levels.

  • Apply on feet and knees before and after exercise
  • Perfect for a soothing massage after a long day of house work
  • Apply to hands and feet after gardening
  • Connect with Grandma by giving her a hand massage with Deep Blue
  • Rub Deep Blue on lower back muscles after a day of heavy lifting at work or during a move
  • Massage Deep Blue with a few drops of carrier oil onto growing kids’ legs before bedtime
  • After long hours on the computer, try rubbing Deep Blue essential oil blend on your fingers, wrists, shoulders, and neck
  • A few drops of Deep Blue Soothing Blend diluted in dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil can be a part of a cooling and comforting massage after a workout
  • Invigorating workout blend
  • Perfect soothing blend after exercise


dōTERRA Deep Blue is perfect for a soothing massage after a long day of work. Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus work together to soothe and cool.

Single Oils in This Blend:

Wintergreen: contains 99% methyl salicylate, which gives it pain reducing  properties. It is beneficial for joint and muscle discomfort,  tendinitis, and any other discomfort that is related to the inflammation of bones, muscles, and joints.

Camphor: is pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory. It may be beneficial for arthritis, rheumatism, muscle aches and pains, sprains, and bruises.

Peppermint: is anti-inflammatory to the prostate and to damaged tissues. It has a soothing and cooling effect that helps. 

Blue Tansy: is anti-inflammatory. 

German (Blue) Chamomile: is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic. It may also help relieve congestion and arthritis.

Helichrysum: may help cleanse the blood and improve circulatory functions. It is anticatarrhal in structure and nature. As a powerful anti-inflammatory, it may even help reduce inflammation in the meninges of the brain. On a spiritual level, it may help one let go of angry feelings that prevent one from forgiving and moving forward.

Osmanthus: is one of the 10 famous traditional flowers of China. The blossoms are highly aromatic and are used in the world’s rarest and most expensive perfumes. It is used in Chinese medicine to “reduce phlegm and remove blood stasis.”

After long hours on the computer, try rubbing Deep Blue proprietary blend on your fingers, wrists, shoulders, and neck. A few drops of Deep Blue Soothing Blend diluted in Fractionated Coconut Oil can be part of a cooling and comforting massage.

    • Formulated with the Deep Blue proprietary blend of essential oils and other powerful ingredients
    • Perfect for the athlete in your life, Deep Blue Rub is blended in a base of moisturizing emollients that leaves your skin soft and non-greasy
  • Provides a cooling and soothing sensation to targeted areas

If you like to use Icy Hot or Ben Gay , the active ingredient in those is called methyl salicylate.  The natural version of that chemical is Wintergreen. Wintergreen is in the DB line of products!!

I also love the Deep Blue  Rub Samples:

The Deep Blue Rub Samples make it easy to travel with and share dōTERRA with others. The samples are filled with Deep Blue Rub and come in a 10-pack carton. They can easily fit in small spaces.   These samples can also be used for personal use when traveling or going to the gym.

Body Systems Affected:

The oils in this blend may help it be more effective for dealing with various problems related to the Nervous System and to Muscles and Bones.

✨Blends well with Siberian Fir, Copaiba, Helichrysum, Lemon, Peppermint, Vetiver, Wintergreen, and Pink Pepper✨


How about trying a natural solution to support you with everyday ailments?  What’s stopping you from learning a better way?  Ready to Glow?

 Have you tried the Deep Blue yet?


If you are new to dōTERRA and ready to get started, this month you can get this FREE! Check out the image below! 


Click here to learn how Tri Ease worked for me in less than 20 minutes!


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