January 29, 2025

Holistic Solutions for Gloomy Days


🔥Fire = ☀️Sunlight = Energy

There  are four elements that are essential to life and human health. Fire is essential because it represents the sun. Daily exposure to sunshine has the benefit of phototherapy, and has been documented for centuries. Sun exposure is actually beneficial in small quantities, as it allows the body to synthesize Vitamin D and raises serotonin levels.

In this month of July, when the coldest of winters, is a summer spent in San Francisco*….I must confess… I have been focusing on one thing at a time, and haven’t been showing up here as much as I would have liked. Life ebbs and flows. Highs and lows. The tide is low and I’m moving on.  Life is cyclical and there are phases and stages. Accept your Self wherever you are – now.  I am inspired to share a practice I find so beneficial, in the hopes that it can help another human too.  We truly are all here to help one another, just in case you need this reminder. From this space is where I feel best moving forward in my life, and in my business.  It just feels good to be authentic and true to your self. If more people could be persuaded to try this approach, the world would be a better place.

Although my life isn’t perfect, and I still have to face stress daily, I make a concerted effort to uplift my Self so that I may have my cup so overflowing , that I may be able to uplift others on their healing path as well. Making the world a better place begins with Self. It’s not selfish, it’s the most generous thing we can do as a civilization.  To go inward and dive deep, in order to uncover the root of our purpose, our passion in this incredibly magical Universe – is everybody’s birthright.

Back to the tools:

  • Himalayan salt lamp – this is your sun on gloomy cold overcast days. It’s like a mini bonfire, a bright sun, and emits ions to help cleanse and purify your indoor air.  Find some I have vetted, and enjoy using in my Amazon shop under, “Home Vibes”.
  • ELEVATION essential oil blend – like sunshine in a bottle. A few drops in your diffuser and your mood gets elevated. No diffuser? No problem. Inhale from the bottle or from your hands. Never burn your essential oils.
  • Ultrasonic diffuser + filtered water.
  • Fresh squeezed or store bought orange juice (harness that juicy antioxidant filled, uplifting, energizing, sweet power of the sun). High in calcium and sunshine energy.
  • Move your body in a way that makes you happy.  Endorphins and blood flow bring energy and life to the most frigid climates.  I like rebounding, sweat sessions on the elliptical, and stretching to get my blood pumping.
  • Invest in an infrared sauna. You can use code: “THEROOTSREPORT” and save 10%.

We are all eternally evolving souls and we need to stay open to growth at any stage in life. Do you feel like you are wanting/needing to bring the Sun Fire Energy into your day?  Utilize these tools.  Notice how your mental health and happiness rises.  Do you want to vibrate higher? I am hoping this information will help.  

I personally use, enjoy and find these tools of fire, heat, movement, nourishment and aromatherapy extremely helpful, and supportive in bringing an awareness to my day. Connecting with my mental and emotional inner life, energy and thoughts when I feel  down in this way always helps me. Our soul resides in our minds. So often our outer life mirrors that which is on the inside. And when we pay attention to bringing in these warming and elevating elements on a gloomy day; well frankly in my own experience,  this type of boost,  stimulates our own inner light and sun fire energy.  Shine bright and keep fueling your own inner light my friends!  Connect with me for more bio-individual support and customized 1:1 wellness coaching for more. 🔥

*Mark Twain quote

You may enjoying reading my post about Stress next.

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